The Beatles - Christmas Record 1964

The Beatles - Christmas Record 1964
Stamping feet getting nearer, then a moaning noise. Piano joins in, then what sounds like paper on a comb, then a harmonica.

Paul : (sings) Jingle bells. (Speaks) : Hello everobody, this is Paul. I would just like to thank you all for buying our records during the past year. We know you've been them 'cos the sales have been very good, you see. Don't know where we'd be without you really thought.

John (interrupting) : The Army, perhaps.

Paul : Oh, we hope you have enjoyed listening to the records as much as we have enjoyed melting them. (Laughter). No no that's wrong - making them. We're in Number 2 studio at the moment at EMI taping this little message for you.

John : Yes, we are.

Paul : We are indeed. I just thought I would make a... This is the same studio we have used all along since the old days of ''Love me Do'' so many years ago it seems.

John : Ah, those were the days!

Paul : Well, that's

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