John Lennon's final scenes from How I Won the War

John Lennon's final scenes from How I Won the War
In this movie John Lennon plays the part of musketeer Gripweed and ends up getting killed in the corner of a foreign field. In other words John Lennon played the part of a gunner.

A day after John Lennon was killed in real life, I was watching the news and they showed the gathering of fans outside of the Dakota. I remember seeing a sign held up by someone in the crowd with a picture of John Lennon on it, which said "Remember the Dream." That is a part of what inspired some of the lyrics in the song "The Gunners Dream."

John Lennon was a bandsman who was gunned down by a mad man while walking across the side walk trying to make his way into the Dakota Apartments where he lived.

Both of these situations are brought up in the Pink Floyd song "The Gunners Dream."

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