45 Years Through Time and Space - Doctor Who- a Beatles Medley.

45 Years Through Time and Space - Doctor Who- a Beatles Medley.
Here is a Beatles Medley of all ten doctors, for Doctors Who's 45th anniversary :) Yes, I know it's a day late, but I couldn't finished it in time.

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to, to make, but Windows Movie Maker kept crashing :/

So I tried to include every single doctor, but I don't think I included enough Paul Mcgann, sorry about that :)

What inspired me to make this video was that Doctor Who started at about the same time the Beatles were formed, I I think the music goes to well together. Then, of course, my friend Shae, who is a total Beatles fanatic.

The reason I didn't include the songs like 'All you need is love" and "I wanna HOld your hand" etc etc is because I didn't want to turn this into a shippy video, at all. The majority of Doctor who had very very little romance in it :) Call me old fashioned.


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