The White Album Side 2 - The Beatles (Martha My Dear/I'm So Tired/Blackbird/Piggies) [#34]

The White Album Side 2 - The Beatles (Martha My Dear/I'm So Tired/Blackbird/Piggies) [#34]
The Daily Vinyl video #34: The Beatles "The White Album" - Side 2, featuring the first four songs of Side 2: "Martha My Dear" / "I'm So Tired" / "Blackbird" / "Piggies". Thanks to the East Nashville art group, The Collective Muse. They completely brainstormed this 2nd of 4 videos featuring about 9 minutes from each side of the classic 1968 album "The Beatles" (aka "The White Album").

In case you didn't know, "Martha My Dear" was about Paul McCartney's sheepdog. Although we didn't have one of those handy, we thought to take the puppy inspiration literally.

"I'm So Tired" became my theme while trying to edit the whole video. For some reason while creating the sleepy/blur effect, the file became corrupted. 2 weeks were wasted trying to figure out the problem. I decided to just start from scratch.

Enjoy friends! And if you dig this, be sure to check out to see videos disabled by YouTube & to share your music memories.

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